
One of the things I've always loved about my job is how my clients become like family to me. I meet couples, photograph their wedding and throughout the process we get to know each other and the day of it's like I can't even imagine not being there with them. We cut up, tell stories, and they have complete trust in me to make the day run seamlessly. I'm lucky that they come back to me and ask me to photograph their growing families. I take so much pride in this. They get to know me as well, ask about my girls and how I've been. Ask about crossfit, because lets face it, they all know how much I love it. Summer has come and gone and the girls and I spent a lot of time together. We took a beach trip with my family and one of the highlights was probably our day trip to the US Whitewater Center. I love that my girls are pretty fearless. I take on less work in the summer to be able to do more with them and now that fall is here it is kicking into high gear. So life, lately, is a bit insane and in all this I've been a bit closed off with you, my clients.


This year has been a defining year for me. It has been one of the greatest and most difficult years of my life. I've learned that things come in twos. Or at least they have for me. It has been a year of incredible love and unimaginable loss. The kind that breaks your heart. It has been one of life and death. Pain and joy. Health scares. I have questioned my faith more this year than I ever have in my life. That's not an easy thing to admit.  I've learned that grief never really goes away and time most certainly does not heal everything. But I've also learned that vulnerability is the right choice because it is easy to be cold in a world that makes it so very difficult to remain soft. I can take what has been dealt to me this year and let it make me hard. Let it steal my joy. But I refuse. Instead I choose to accept that life isn't a fantasy. Things sometimes don't turn out how you maybe always imagined they would. There is no one 'right way' and what works for someone else maybe isn't what works for me. Personally and professionally. But you know what? Maybe they'll be even better. You have to leap. Blindly, if you have to.  But you move forward. And with the right people by your side, you can really do and be anything. I choose to be happy. I choose to be patient and believe that good things happen to good people. 

With that being said, I made a big change about a month ago and moved into a larger studio space. One that will allow me to grow professionally. It is something I have been wanting to do for quite a while but was scared. But I finally hit a point where I could not continue going at the pace I was going and stay in the same space. I'm really excited to be in a beautiful studio at Revolution Mill in Greensboro! This change was exactly what I needed and I'm excited to see just what I can make it do for me. Thank you to those that offered encouragement and the support I needed.


I'm looking forward to all the people I will get to work with in the coming months and close out 2017 with a bang!